
AdBlock Plus for Firefox 2.6.13 for Windows

14 January, 2024

Navigate faster and without adds or banners.



Have you realized that sometimes when you are surfing the net, some pages have so many banners and adds that they take more time to be downloaded than the page itself? Wladimir Palant realized that and has created this great add-on for Firefox which allows you to get rid of them.

You only have to download and install it and from then on you'll navigate faster than ever. It's easy to use, you only have to click on a banner and choose 'Adblock' from the context menu and that will be the last time you'll see that banner.

If you don't want to do that, you can select a filter subscription when Adblock Plus starts first time, then not even that simple task will be unnecessary, because the filter subscription will block most advertisements automatically.

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